Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Chocolate Ice Cream

Eight ounces of chocolate in about a quart of ice cream!

I'm causing myself to swoon.

Cuisinart Chocolate Ice Cream
1 c whole milk
1/2 c sugar
8 oz chocolate*
2 c heavy cream
1 t vanilla extract

Process chocolate and sugar in a blender until finely chopped.

Heat whole milk until just bubbling around the edges of the pan, then slowly add to the chocolate and sugar mixture. Blend until smooth. Allow to cool completely.

Stir in heavy cream and vanilla. Chill thoroughly.

Churn per ice cream machine's manufacturer's instructions.

*I used 6 ounces Baker's Semi-Sweet Chocolate, 1 ounce Baker's Unsweetened Chocolate, 3/4 of a Hershey's bar, and a few shakes of Hershey's Unsweetened Cocoa Powder. This ice cream tastes just like brownie batter.